It's been a slightly different lead up to Christmas, to say the least!
This won't be your usual Christmas article...
Christmas for many is a time for celebration and reflection on the year gone by, as well as the year ahead. Naturally, it is going to be slightly different for everyone this year.
It's time to enjoy, sit back, relax, and indulge!
We would normally (we did last year anyway) provide you with all the evidence and guidance you need to not over-do your Christmas indulgence. But this year, it's been one hell of a challenge for everyone. So. Our advice to you all is....
Enjoy yourselves and eat/drink whatever the hell you like!
As long as you don't spend your entire Christmas break sat still, eating and drinking literally non-stop, then you can forgive yourselves for a little over indulgence this year. After all, no one could have predicted what 2020 had in store for us.
Here are some more tips to help you reset over the Christmas period, and ensure you're ready, both physically and mentally, to tackle whatever 2021 has in store for us!
Slow Down
The majority of us spend our daily lives rushing from pillar to post. This Christmas, do yourselves a favour, and say no to someone else to say yes to yourself.
In line with slowing down, take just 1, 2 or 5 minutes a day to just breathe! You may think why bother! I'd rather be on the champagne thanks!
Re-frame this and imagine drinking champagne non stop for 5 minutes and imagine how sh**** (and pi****) you'd feel! Breathing for even just 1 - 5 minutes a day will calm your sympathetic nervous system (fight or flight), lowering your heart rate, blood pressure, stress, enlightening your mood... the list goes on!
Have a digital detox
Again, with the inability to see our loved ones, this year will be more difficult than ever before to have a device detox. Simply try and reduce your time spent on your phone and try to interact with people physically, as much as you safely can without flouting the rules (remember this is what causes gyms to close!).
Get outside and continue exercising
You are likely to consume a calorie surplus over the Christmas period. Exercise may not provide much of a contribution toward your overall daily energy expenditure, but it is sure better than nothing at combating the indulgence!
Whilst gym's will be closed for a few days, you can still get outside for a traditional Christmas walk. Say "Hi" and Merry Christmas to people. Spread some Christmas cheer! Go and see some Christmas lights!
Watch your favourite Christmas movie!
Who doesn't love a snugtastic chill on the sofa with a mug of baileys hot chocolate, a cracker (pardon the pun) of a Christmas film, and some cheese and biscuits!?
Take home message, and some health tips for the festive period
It wouldn't be right if we didn't share some health pointers too!
YOU WILL consume more calories than you need over Christmas, and YOU WILL consume foods that are not 'healthy'. If Christmas indulgence is a ‘binge’ and doesn’t become the norm, YOU'LL BE FINE!
Bottom line: keep things ‘sensible’, and utilise the below tips to not undo too much of your hard work prior to Christmas.
- Monitor WHAT you eat.
- Monitor HOW MUCH you eat.
- EAT MORE TURKEY (other protein sources are available!).
- Monitor ALCOHOL intake.
- Continue to EXERCISE as normal, or increase your activity levels if you don’t exercise often.
- EAT (sensibly), DRINK (in moderation) and be (very) MERRY!