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Dear Onyx Diary; Will you be my valentine?!

Writer's picture: We Are OnyxWe Are Onyx

New week, same me! Hello to all my weekly readers!

Monday 10th February.

Genuinely, I’m sitting here trying to think about what I did haha! It was a gymnastics WOD… Should have really done the diary on the day and not on the Wednesday, muppet! I could delete everything I just typed as I now remember what we did, but I’ll keep it here and let you inside my mind a little! So, WOD of the day was a gymnastics element, looking at our active hangs, hollow holds and other variations of these!

Tuesday 11th February.

It was my day off, but I got up for the 6:30 gymnastics WOD. The focus being pull up development with a harsh 10-minute AMRAP of 18 wall balls and 10 burpees. Pure heart raiser! The rest of the day was recovery!

Wednesday 12th February.

Before work I did some chest accessories and a 10-minute EMOM of 10 calories on the AB (whilst refusing to join Richard on his mad 400m running intervals!). Straight on shift to start my midday CF session. The WOD started off with 15 minutes continuous 200m running intervals, with a 200m active recovery walk. We then came back inside for a 15-minute AMRAP of 10 Reverse Lunge Filly Presses (phew!), 10 Renegade Rows and 20 KB Russian Swings with every 3 minutes being a 30 second Tuck Hold! In both the midday and evening CF class that tuck hold got nasty with people trying to control their breathing whilst maintaining good form. Was interesting to see peoples backs popping up and down as they tried so hard to keep driving into the floor!

Thursday 13th February.

6:30am. A smaller class than usual, only the 2 of them! We had some last-minute cancellations, you know who you are 😊 I’ll give the audience a little clue, person number 1 is my GF…. person number 2 never gave me a handshake! Comment on the Facebook post with your guess! A great effort from both Alex and Natasha this morning, focusing on our kettlebell clean development! Luckily, we went through it step by step as Alex was throwing the KB straight into his Apple Watch on every rep, he got it in the end (even if he did have to flip his watch around). Both went RX in both sections of the WOD. Part A = KB complex: x1 Deadlift, x1 Russian Swing, x1 Clean, x1 Clean and Push Press, x1 Thruster and finally x1 OH Reverse Lunge, 5 rounds of that on one side, then the exact same on the other arm. 90 seconds rest. Repeat! Part B = 15-minute time cap: 6RFT: 30 Alternating Russian Swings and 12 Burpee Box jumps! Again, both going RX, so Alex using the 24kg KB and Natasha on the 16kg KB! Alex with a time of 14:09, and Natasha working hard through the whole 15 minutes and getting onto round 6 with 30 swings completed and 1 burpee box jump! Well done AM crew 😊

Today was a good day; the “KOBE” repeat. But this time it was for the full 54 minutes. Me and Joe (buddy and member) got into a nice pace throughout the workout and was averaging a round per 10 minutes or slightly below! With around 8 minutes to go I gave Joe the nod and we started to speed things up! Last time I did this workout I went through every emotion I could think of, ranging from anger to nearly breaking down in tears (Literally not a clue why!?), but this time I loved every minute of it, cruised throughout and gave it one final push at the end, giving it my all. However, for Joe, this was not the case. Into round 4 Joe was looking at me to slow down, I could tell he was struggling when we got onto the AB and he was averaging 300 watts, so I told him to drop to 8 calories per stint and I’ll continue doing 10-12 calories. In round 5 Joe goes “ I’m not going to keep up at this pace”, initially in my head I’m like “Stop being a coward and crack on with it” but I thought about it and said don’t worry you cruise and I’ll go fast! So, this is what we did, and we kept our 10-minute round average the same. Moving into the last 8 minutes, I enjoyed it a lot, whereas I think Joe was questioning our friendship! A minute to go and we jump onto the AB for one last hurrah! “Slow down you f***ing little s**t”. Guess who said that?! And guess who didn’t slow down 😉10 seconds to go and Joe jumps on for the final push and smashes it and brings our total to 5 rounds completed, 5 rope climbs, 8 bear complexes, 18 burpees, 24 wall balls and 41 calories! Well done team Owain and Joe! Great end to a bang average day 😉

Friday 14th February.

Happy love day everyone! As it was Valentines, we decided to do a partner WOD in the evening 😊


1 mile run together, 100 pull ups, 200 press ups, 300 squats, split up between you and your partner, then another 1 mile run together! To start the workout, we had a very fun warm up with funnel tag and Roxanne! We then went through the standards of each movement before heading outside to show where you were running/walking to! 3,2,1 off we go! Claudia chose me to be her partner (Must have a thing for me or something?) and we paced ourselves through the first mile, we were last back but that didn’t stop us, we were getting the work done as a team! 20 rounds of Cindy (5 pull ups, 10 press ups, 15 squats) later and we were back outside for the final mile run. Shout out to Bobbies partner Tim on getting a nosebleed as, and I quote, “It happens when I get hot”, but still carrying on after leaving poor Bobbie to get the work done herself for about 10 minutes hahaha! Claudia was complaining that her knee hurt when running. We said to one another that we will do the mile even if we must walk it, so that’s what we did. We walked all the way to the 800m mark when suddenly, I could her shouting and screaming. I instantly looked to push Claudia over as bait so I could then get away from whoever was coming. But it turns out that everyone had finished and had started to head up to find me and Claudia and cheer us on the rest of the way back to the gym. “Oh, for f*** sake, im gonna have to run now everyone is here” said Claudia. I just said don’t worry about them and do what you want to do. She didn’t listen to me and ended up running back 600m without stopping hahaha! Bet that knee felt good ay Claudia 😉 “It feels better going downhill” she said! So, we got back to the club completing the WOD in around 46 minutes 😊 Well done everyone, especially my valentine…… Claudia <3 Cringe I know.

Sunday 16th February.

After indulging in kebabs, cheesy chips, Domino’s pizza, garlic bread, wedges, cookies and loads of fizzy drinks, it was time to come back to reality and start working again and not eating 5000 calories before 12pm. I started the day off with helping in the CF WOD, looking mainly at Zombie Squats. Have a look; they’re funny to watch! Then moving onto the Strong Training WOD. The class was full, the combinations were fun, and the tunes were on POIIIIINT! What more could you want? After the sessions were done, we had a little marketing afternoon. Taking loads of photos of members and coaches doing all things CrossFit! I made it Mum, my first photoshoot. Luckily for the audience there, it was a fully clothed set. Although I think the twins thought it was a Calvin Klein underwear shoot and that they were going to get headhunted. I think not boys! Anyway, it was a good laugh to do something different with the members. Fair to say that a lot of Facebook profile pictures will be changing shortly 😊 Keep an eye out!


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