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Happy New Year Dear Onyx Diary!

Dear My Onyx Diary,

I do apologise for neglecting you these past weeks. I know that you have been wanting to know what’s been going on in my life. But no need to worry. I'M BACK!

Monday 6th January.

I spent this splendid morning getting rid of the last mince pie and Gin out my body by going for a swimming and sauna session before work. Then began the first full shift back after 2 weeks off…. Errrgh. My first session back was a 5x5 Back squat CrossFit session, although I did get asked by more than one person if they had come to the wrong session! No, you haven’t, just looking at a single element 😊. As part of our session I had to teach everybody how to bail out of a squat for if they were to ever get stuck at any point. Everyone seemed to get the idea, except for one. There's always one! So, as we are doing our final part of the WOD, I turn to see Jo stuck at the bottom of the squat and throw the bar over head to bail.. Face palm emoji needed! (We have about 3 Jo’s, so I’ll let them decide who it is) Luckily Jo was fine!

Tuesday 7th January.

Workout from Hell Part 1. 1000m row and 10 HRPU, 800m row and 20 HRPU, and so on until 200m Row and 50 HRPU with a 22-minute time cap. Everyone would agree that something so simple has never hurt so much before. On the day we only had 2 members make the time cap, and then another gets it done on Thursday! Well done to the 3 of you 😊 I know what you’re thinking, and yes, I did have a dig at it, and I didn’t make the time cap ☹ I was 3 HRPU from finishing. I have to say that if any body wants to get a mental arm pump in 22 minutes, don’t bother doing any body building exercises. Just work constantly for 22 minutes trying to complete this WOD. My god I felt like Arnie afterwards!!

Wednesday 8th January.

My morning was spent again with a cheeky swim and sauna just for recovery after that rowing WOD! Then a quick walk to work! When I got to work, I was introduced by Richard and his new mate ‘Workout from Hell Part 2.” 25 Minute Amrap, 20 Reverse Lunges, 50 single / Double Unders, 10 Pull Ups. WOWAWEEWA!!! A tremendous effort from all on that day, especially the members who doubled up for Barbell Club and evening CrossFit. If you thought yesterdays WOD was bad, you had another thing coming with this beast of a WOD. I saw something for the first time in this one, as I called 3,2,1 FINISHED! Everyone in the room collapsed to the floor, hanging out. Whats that? Did you do it too Owain? Well of course I did sports fans. But I did it the day after so let’s move on.

Thursday 9th January.

Warm up = 30-minute walk to work. Workout = Hell Part 2. I think at around the halfway mark I soon realised why people collapsed at the end yesterday. I was halfway through and already at that point! But I kept moving and 12 and a half minutes later my face hit the floor. I think I speak for everyone when I say Richard; what the hell were you thinking? Were you possessed when writing this? Are you Satan himself? I mean most probably but still, wow!

Friday 10th January.

Another morning walk to work, the day started good! Today was Weightlifting Club! As you all know next week is the CrossFit Total. This means putting all your chat on paper and actually lifting what you say/think you can. We saw some of you throwing some serious shapes as we practised the split jerk, the girls were smashing it. As for the boys... well what can I say.. you were alright! (only joking you guys did damn good too) The best part of today's session, we had no half reps.. waaaahhaaaay!

Saturday 11th January

Today was a day off from Onyx. Today was rest day which meant one thing... get on a class!

I attended the Partner MetCon which was another hellish workout and my partner in crime was "Mel the machines husband Dean". Nice little rhyme for you there! We smashed it and by smashed it I mean, it broke us each and every one of us individually, partners, group, the whole works! This can only mean one thing.. it was AWESOME! So awesome we did it again.. Sod that.. just joking! Good end to the first full week back at the grind 😊

Stay tuned!

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