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Dear Onyx Diary

As always Monday was a fabulous start….not!

So, I came to work and had a cracker of a day, which ended with a very good Barbell Club (Xmas pun intended)! Then disaster. So I was on my way to a wedding when the misses text me saying “If you find yourself going down a country road for a few miles don't worry you’re heading in the right direct”, so as I start getting closer to the venue I realise that I’m on a country road for a bit of time, I must be heading the right way! Then suddenly I come to a gate, stop the car and jump out thinking I just need to move the latch and open it up. This was not the case. The gate was locked, and my car was slowly sinking and becoming apart of the field. I quickly jump into my car and try to get out the boggy area I had parked in. After 45 minutes of a few thousand revs, the rescue team of 2 lads from the wedding and my partners cousin eventually got me out! Oh, and I fell over pushing the car out and got covered in mud. So, I ended up getting there 60 minutes late and was now wearing joggers and my Onyx top to a wedding. Safe to say people know me as Coach.😊

Enough of my moaning. FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS!! Wow, what a great evening for the Onyx community! We had teams Breathe (Richards go to cue), Yawn (Because I’m always yawning, you’ll notice now) and Hi-Ya (Kirsty always greets people with it). 3 events, everyone going head to head with one another. We saw some Pb’s smashed in the 1 rep max Deadlift event!

When moving to the conditioning events it got a little complicated with team Yawn as we had a team member who couldn’t do certain exercises, which meant we couldn’t find a system to allow people to get a rest, so we all just went a bit crazy and I don’t think anyone got a rest during the 15 minute workout. Fitness am I right!

After we was all done, we had some pizza and a couple beers and announced the winners. Obviously, I won…… last place, Richard 2nd and unfortunately Kirsty came 1st, damn. It was a great night and I thank everyone that came down! We look forward to the next one 😊

Till next time.

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